Frequently asked questions





SYNT staking is now live on Cosmos - bridge and stake now!

Why are you moving the new SYNT token to the Cosmos ecosystem? How do the Ethereum (ERC20) and Cosmos SYNT tokens differ?

The Cosmos-based Synternet blockchain allows full flexibility and customization to develop a decentralized Web3 data economy. SYNT has many use cases in the Cosmos-based Synternet Blockchain as it is at the core of the data economy and will be used to pay for data, participate in governance and accrue staking rewards. ERC20 SYNT does not have that utility, it only acts as a tool to move from NOIA to SYNT.

Is it a one-way or two-way bridge?

It is a two-way bridge, which means that at any point in time, ERC20 SYNT can be exchanged for Cosmos SYNT and vice versa.

Are the Synternet Blockchain, the bridge and the SYNT token contract audited?

The Synternet Blockchain, the bridge and the SYNT token contracts have been audited by Certik. The report will be available here.

How can I buy SYNT on Cosmos?

SYNT pools will be available on Osmosis in August.

Bridge Process

Can I migrate to Cosmos directly with NOIA?

No, you must migrate your NOIA tokens to ERC20 SYNT first.

Do I have to bridge to Cosmos?

Bridging to the Cosmos-based Synternet Blockchain is optional.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount for bridging?

Due to security reasons, the minimum amount to bridge is 500 SYNT. While there isn’t a maximum limit, we recommend bridging no more than 5 million SYNT at once.

How long will the bridge be operational?

The token bridge between Ethereum and Synternet will be operational indefinitely.

How can I bridge my tokens?

Follow these steps:
  1. Visit
  2. Connect your Ethereum wallet
  3. Connect your Cosmos wallet
  4. Choose the blockchain you are bridging to and enter the token amount you wish to bridge
  5. Click ‘Bridge’ and follow the on-screen instructions
  6. Once the bridging process is complete, you will find your tokens available to be claimed in the ‘Claimable Tokens’ section
  7. Click ‘Claim’ to claim your tokens
Have questions? Reach out to our team on Telegram or Discord. Verify official team members in Telegram by their CM, Community Lead, or Marketing titles next to their name or on Discord by their red name and the Synternet logo next to it. Be aware of impersonators and scammers.

Are there costs associated with bridging?

If you are bridging SYNT from Ethereum to Synternet Blockchain, you will only need to pay Ethereum’s gas fees in ETH as the Synternet treasury subsidizes Synternet Blockchain related fees to provide a frictionless experience. The fees are only subsidized if the user does not have another subsidy already. If you are bridging from Synternet to Ethereum you will need to pay gas fees in SYNT and ETH.

How long does it take to bridge my tokens?

When bridging from Ethereum to Synternet, the expected wait time is up to 3 minutes or 12 Ethereum blocks after the bridging request transaction is confirmed. When bridging from Synternet to Ethereum, the wait time is less than 6 seconds due to instant finality on the Synternet Blockchain.

What happens to my tokens when I create a bridge request?

Your tokens are represented by the bridge request, also known as a voucher. Original tokens are either burned on Ethereum or locked up on Synternet. When you claim the voucher, tokens are either unlocked on Synternet or minted on Ethereum and sent to the recipient address.

What do I do with my voucher?

You can either choose to claim your voucher and receive your bridged tokens, or you can refund it and redeem the tokens which you sent to create the bridge request with.

What happens if I don’t claim my voucher?

It’s important to note that the voucher has an expiration date of 14 days. After the expiration date, it will only be possible to claim tokens from the same blockchain which the request was made.

How are fees granted for claiming or refunding tokens on the Synternet chain?

Synternet treasury grants fees for everyone bridging into Synternet blockchain to make the experience frictionless. The fee amount is 0.006 SYNT and all of it will be consumed upon a single ‘Claim’ or ‘Refund’ operation. For an account, these fees are only granted if there’s no allowance existing already. Therefore, take special care and don’t create multiple vouchers (bridging requests) at once, if you have created a voucher, claim it first, and only then create another one.

I’ve encountered an issue, how can I contact the Synternet team?

Reach out to our team on Telegram or Discord. Verify official team members in Telegram by their CM, Community Lead, or Marketing titles next to their name or on Discord by their red name and the Synternet logo next to it. Be aware of impersonators and fraud attempts.

I’ve encountered an error message, what can I do?

Please refresh your browser and continue the process where you left off. In case this does not solve your issue, please reach out to our team on Telegram or Discord.

What hardware wallets can I use to store SYNT tokens on the Synternet Blockchain?

Currently, Cosmos-based chains are only supported by Ledger devices.

Using a Ledger Device

What steps do I need to take when using a Ledger device?

Metamask: Connect your Ledger device to Metamask browser extension (a full guide can be found here)
  1. Open your Metamask wallet
  2. Plug your Ledger device into your computer and open the Ethereum (ETH) app on your Ledger device by navigating to the Ethereum icon and pressing both buttons simultaneously.
  3. Your Ledger device should display: “Application is ready”.
  4. Open the account settings and select “Hardware wallet”.
  5. Select “Ledger”, and click Continue. After a brief moment, a list of accounts appears. These are your Ledger accounts.
  6. Select an account by ticking the box then click “Unlock”.
  7. All done! Your Ledger Ethereum account and ETH balance appear in MetaMask. All Ledger accounts connected to MetaMask will be displayed with a “LEDGER” tag.
Keplr: Connect your Ledger device to Keplr
  1. Start by visiting and installing the Keplr browser extension.
  2. Once installed, Keplr should launch automatically in your browser. Click on “Connect Hardware Wallet” and then choose “Connect Ledger”.
  3. Assign a name to your account, create and confirm your password, then click “Next”.
  4. On your Ledger device, open the Cosmos app. Your Ledger screen should display “Cosmos is ready”. Return to Keplr and click “Next”. In the pop-up window, select your Ledger device and click “Connect”.
  5. Keplr will then ask you to select the blockchains you wish to integrate. To choose Synternet, tick the corresponding box and click Save. You’ll also have the option to add other blockchains, which you can accept or decline.
  6. After Keplr confirms that your account is created, click on the Keplr icon in your browser's extension bar. Scroll down to the SYNT (Synternet) section to copy your Ledger Synternet account address. Use this address to transfer SYNT to your Ledger account and manage it using Keplr with your Ledger device. Additionally, Keplr allows you to stake your TIA coins using your Ledger device.

I’m using a Ledger device but the transaction keeps on failing. What should I do?

Make sure you’ve allowed blind signing in your Ledger settings (learn more about “blind signing” here).
  1. Connect and unlock your Ledger device.
  2. Open the Ethereum (ETH) application.
  3. Press the right button to navigate to Settings. Then press both buttons to validate.
  4. Your Ledger device displays Blind Signing.
  5. Press both buttons to enable transaction blind signing.
  6. The device displays Enabled. You're done.